Zaansedoodles Wognum

Zaanse Doodles BlackWhite

Welcome to our Website!

Nice that you are interested in the Australian Labradoodle.
We breed the sizes mini and medium and also the standard on a small scale. Please take your time to read everything at your leisure and if you have any questions, please let me know by email. The strength of us is that we breed for character / health and not for appearance (color / coat). After all, we all want a great dog and not just a beautiful fashion image, which will soon be a dog that you will have to take to all kinds of behavioral expert (s) due to incorrect breeding. In addition, you can choose the dog that appeals to you the most.

Monica Teach Doodles
9 weken oude reu miniBulletin board

Deze man mag al vertrekken heeft een hele mooie wave fleece vacht en een rustig karakter.
Voor info email gerust op 

Wala Star Breeder

Membership of Breed Societies
Zaansedoodles is now also registered with the Wala and will act according to the rules of both breed associations Alaeu and Wala. Because we are now also registered in the USA we can act even better and do research into the ancestors of our dogs.

For the latest news also check our Facebook page
KvK nummer: 85579777
BTW nummer: NL863672553B01

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